Francois Lavoie is the Exception to the Rule

By Nolan

The game of modern bowling is predicated upon maximizing power. Two-handers are taking over the sport. Francois Lavoie may not have a high rev rate and only uses one-hand, but that hasn’t stopped him from becoming one of the best players in the world.

The Ten Most Impactful Transactions of the 2010’s

By Nolan

There have been dozens of trades and free agent signings that have swung championships, but only a handful reshaped their sport. The death of loyalty ushered in the player empowerment era. Here are the most impactful transactions of the 2010’s:

NBA Summer 2019: The End of the Super-team Era?

By Nolan

The Knicks, Clippers, Nets and Lakers reside in the NBA’s two largest markets and all four are in position to acquire multiple superstars. A new NBA super-team in New York or Los Angeles has basketball fans buzzing, but what if that dream is an illusion?