Francois Lavoie is the Exception to the Rule

By Nolan

The game of modern bowling is predicated upon maximizing power. Two-handers are taking over the sport. Francois Lavoie may not have a high rev rate and only uses one-hand, but that hasn’t stopped him from becoming one of the best players in the world.

The Top Ten Single-Season Performances of the 2010’s

By Nolan

We spend seemingly every season comparing whichever athlete is enjoying their 15 minutes of fame to the greatest seasons of all-time. Remember when we thought Ryan Fitzpatrick might win the NFL MVP in September 2018? At the same time, the old saying “records are meant to be broken” rings true. Maybe nobody will ever break DiMaggio’s 56-game hitting streak — but some athletes did break 50-plus year-old records this decade. Here are the greatest single-season performances of the 2010’s:

The Legend of Jason Belmonte Transcends Bowling

By Nolan

Jason Belmonte revolutionized the sport of bowling, became his own brand and recently claimed the all-time majors record. He’s gone unappreciated in the world of professional sports for far too long. It’s time to change that.